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How to reduce ping in CSGO?

Here’s why you might be having a high latency issue and four fixes you can try. Nádia Linhares Image via Valve High ping is a constant problem in online games—and CS:GO isn’t an exception. Ping in online video games refers to internet latency. It’s the time it takes for your connection to register a command via the…

How to test ping on PC?

Follow these instructions to run a Ping test in Windows. Using the Start Menu at the lower left corner of your screen: Windows 10: Right-click the Start menu, and click Command Prompt from the resulting menu Windows 8: Press the Windows key ⊞ on your Keyboard to open your Windows 8 Menu Windows 7: Open your Start menu, and then click…

Tera How To Check Ping?

Testing your internet connection speed using a third party platform is something we have covered before. Though, we didn’t get a proper look at how to test the condition of your network. In this tutorial, we are going to be guiding you through the ping command, and how to use it to test your network. What…

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